<p>Stay Informed: Latest News from the World of IT</p> - Picture №1

Stay Informed: Latest News
from the World of IT


We strive to create informative and accessible articles

GPT-4o for Business: The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
18 Jun, 2024
Dive into the world of neural networks and discover how GPT is transforming businesses, automating workflows, and what factors influence its effectiveness.
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How IT Technologies Support Ukrainian Brands
06 Jun, 2024
Discover how Ukrainian brands are expanding online, building customer loyalty, and entering new markets using modern IT solutions. An overview of opportunities and success stories.
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Leveraging GPT for Online Business
30 May, 2024
An expert review by Asabix: how GPT changes the game for online businesses and how to unlock its potential for web products. Practical tips and real-world case studies from various industries
The Backbone of Business: What is Backend?
08 May, 2024
A well-designed backend that flawlessly implements business logic and is flexible enough to scale and update is a strategic asset for modern companies.
What is a Single Page Application?
06 Mar, 2024
In the dynamic landscape of the past decade, a plethora of web applications have emerged, each tailored to meet diverse user needs. What sets them apart is their unwavering commitment to user engagement: swift loading speeds, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless interactions.
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What is PWA: Comprehensive Guide with Code Samples
26 Feb, 2024
Progressive Web Apps are web applications that bring best web and mobile features. PWAs are similar to native apps in functionality and can be used on any device with a web browser.
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Why is a CRM System Needed: Concept, Advantages, and Varieties
22 Feb, 2024
CRM is software for automating and managing customer interactions. Here, all data about the history of orders and sales, about each customer and his preferences, as well as about previous interactions of the brand with the consumer, are stored electronically.
YII vs Laravel: What is the Best Option for Your Project?
02 Jan, 2024
Thanks to technological development, it is no longer necessary to write PHP code from scratch: there are many frameworks — ready-made models, "templates" for software platforms, among which Yii2 and Laravel became the most popular. In what their difference and which of the frameworks to choose for creating a product? We tell and compare the structures in this material.
Creating an Adaptive Website: Relevance and Effectiveness
24 Nov, 2023
Today, the pace of life is several times faster than a couple of decades ago, making time one of the most valuable resources. The existence of mobile gadgets allows us to make the most of our time.
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Cost Estimate for Creating an Online Store
19 Oct, 2023
Creating an online store requires a serious approach and knowledge in web development, UI/UX design, server configuration, and database management.
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What Is Web Application Security and How Does It Work?
04 Oct, 2023
There are several opinions regarding web applications – some consider them to be all websites, while others believe they encompass only those that allow users to interact with the interface and data.
What is Laravel? Overview of Benefits of Web Development
26 Jul, 2023
In the fast-paced world of information technology, new tools that can revolutionize the industry emerge regularly. One such tool is Laravel, a contemporary, adaptable, and efficient framework that embodies the pinnacle of PHP programming.
Understanding Cross-Browser Layout: What Does It Mean?
25 Jul, 2023
Cross-browser layout is a method of creating web pages that ensures the correct and identical display of the site in different browsers and their versions.
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CMS or Framework: 9 Questions to Help You Choose Wisely
24 Jul, 2023
Key aspects of choosing between a CMS and a framework: business logic, budget, unique features, SEO, security, and more. Find the perfect solution for the success of your online business!
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Which CMS Is the Best
for Your Website?
20 Jul, 2023
Explore CMS's capabilities, advantages, and disadvantages for various web projects. Overview of the most popular platforms and alternative solutions for complex websites.
Outsourcing and outstaff: difference and features
20 Jul, 2023
Modern companies often have a need for fast and efficient development of software and other IT projects.
What is a Framework, and
How Does it Shape Modern
Web Development?
18 Jul, 2023
Discover what a framework is and how it can save resources, enhance code quality, and boost cybersecurity. Learn about types of frameworks and explore an overview of the most popular ones.
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Which CMS to choose for an online store?
18 Jul, 2023
A Content Management System (CMS), also referred to as an "engine," is an efficient tool that helps simplify the process of managing website content.
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What is website layout in simple words?
29 Jun, 2023
In this article, we will discuss the concept of layout, its components, as well as its importance and integral role in the web industry.
Asabix Wins Clutch Award for Top Developer in Ukraine
20 May, 2021
In this article, we will talk about the implementation of SCRUM project management methods in our company and disclose the achieved results of this process.
Key Differences Between Laravel and Symfony Frameworks
07 Sep, 2019
While there are many frameworks in web development, Laravel and Symfony are the two that are notable. Laravel is praised for its clean syntax and rapid development capabilities, while Symfony excels in its flexible architecture tailored for complex applications.
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Tips for Integrating ShipStation API Service
17 Sep, 2019
ShipStation is a comprehensive web-based solution for managing orders and deliveries. Leveraging the ShipStation API, users can seamlessly retrieve shipping costs across various carriers based on specific parameters and generate parcel labels — all within a unified interface.
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Steps to Connect to the PayPal API
02 Oct, 2019
PayPal is a well-known payment service that allows easy, immediate, and secure online payments. High encryption technologies make it possible to make financial transactions or online purchases on the site with just one click.
Connecting to the Amazon API (MWS)
13 Sep, 2019
In this article, we propose to consider the peculiarities of connecting to the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS).

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