What is a framework? - Picture №1

What is a framework?

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In web development, a framework is a collection of tools, libraries, and standards designed to facilitate the process of programming web applications. It provides developers with a foundation for building applications by defining the structure, rules, and best practices for implementations

A framework includes a set of predefined functions, classes, and methods that can be used to perform common web development tasks such as URL routing, request and form handling, database interaction, and user interface creation. It simplifies development by providing ready-made solutions for frequently encountered tasks, allowing developers to focus on the core functionality of the application.

So, in simple words, a framework can be imagined as a set of tools and ‘blocks’ for building a web application. If we draw an analogy with the construction of a house, then the framework is like a ready-made set of tools and building materials that are given to builders.They can use these ‘blocks’ and tools instead of starting from scratch each time. This streamlines and speeds up the construction process, i.e., the creation of web applications.

Frameworks play a central role in modern programming. Below are key reasons why developers choose to use frameworks when building web applications. Let's delve into what a framework is and why it is needed in more detail.

Framework structure

The structure of a framework may vary depending on the specific framework being considered and its design, but it typically includes the following key components:

  1. Routing components: the framework provides a way to route URL addresses within the application. It determines which functions or methods should be called to handle specific URLs.

  2. Controllers and handlers: these components are responsible for handling incoming requests and interacting with other framework components. They may contain application logic and invoke corresponding views to display data.

  3. Models: models represent data of the application. They usually interact with a database or other data sources. Models define the data structure and methods for accessing it, such as reading, writing, updating, and deleting.

  4. Views and templates: views are responsible for presenting data to the user. They typically contain HTML code with dynamically inserted data from models. Templates are predefined structures and layouts that can be used to create the user interface.

  5. Libraries and helper functions: the framework may provide a set of libraries and helper functions that facilitate common tasks such as data validation, form handling, user authentication and authorization, file operations, and more.

  6. Configuration files: the framework may use configuration files to define various parameters and settings for the application, such as database settings, routing, security, and others.

  7. Static files and resources: the framework may support storing and serving static files such as images, CSS styles, and JavaScript scripts used in the user interface.

  8. Migrations: some frameworks provide a migration mechanism that allows managing changes in the database structure. Migrations enable creating, modifying, and deleting database tables, columns, and indexes.

  9. Session and state management: the framework may provide means for managing user state and sessions, such as preserving data between requests, managing user authentication and authorization

  10. Error and exception handling: the framework may include mechanisms for handling errors and exceptions, allowing for error handling and providing informative error messages to users or logs.

However, the structure of a framework can vary from one framework to another. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the documentation of the specific framework you are working with to obtain detailed information about its operation.

Key benefits of frameworks

The main advantages of using frameworks in web development are as follows:

  1. Structure and organization: frameworks usually offer a structured and organized approach to projects. This helps developers follow best practices and development standards, making application maintenance and scalability easier.

  2. Ready-made components and libraries: frameworks often provide a rich selection of ready-made components and libraries that can be used to implement various functionalities. This allows developers to save time and effort on building from scratch and enhances the reliability and security of the application.

  3. Community and support: popular frameworks have active developer communities that offer support, documentation, tutorials, and extensions. This facilitates problem-solving, knowledge-sharing, and assistance during programming.

  4. Security: many frameworks have built-in mechanisms to protect applications from common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. They may also provide means for handling user authentication and authorization.

  5. Extensibility: frameworks typically support extending functionality through plugins, modules, or additional libraries. This enables developers to create applications with unique features and adapt the framework to their specific needs.

  6. Maintenance and Updates: frameworks often have active development and support, meaning they are regularly updated and patched to fix bugs, improve performance, and add new features. This helps keep the application up to date and protects it from vulnerabilities.

  7. Compatibility: frameworks are usually designed with compatibility in mind, ensuring they work well across different operating systems and web servers. This allows developers to create applications that can be deployed on various platforms without the need to rewrite code.

  8. Abstraction level: frameworks provide a level of abstraction that allows developers to focus on the application's business logic without getting bogged down in low-level implementation details. This enhances developer productivity and improves overall code quality.

Overall, the use of frameworks in web development provides efficiency, reliability, security, and convenience in creating applications. It allows developers to focus on creating unique application functionality and speeds up the website implementation process through the reuse of ready-made components and best practices.

Drawbacks of working with frameworks

  1. Learning curve and overhead: using a framework requires time and effort to learn and understand. New developers may need time to grasp the concepts, structure, and specific methods of the framework. Additionally, a framework may include features and components that are not always necessary for a specific project, resulting in code overhead.

  2. Dependency on the framework: developing an application based on a framework creates a dependency on that framework. If there is a need to switch to another framework in the future or modify the existing one, it may require significant efforts and costs. In this case, it should be noted that this argument can also be applied to CMS, meaning it is more of a reality rather than a disadvantage.

  3. Maintenance complexity: using a framework can increase the complexity of maintaining an application. When the framework is updated or requires security patches, the application needs to be updated and maintained accordingly. This can require additional time and resources.

For which projects is it best to use frameworks

Frameworks can be useful for various types of projects. Here are a few examples where using frameworks can be particularly beneficial:

  1. Web applications: frameworks typically provide the structure and tools necessary for building complex web applications. Examples include CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, ERP systems, B2B applications, marketplaces, booking projects, and more

  2. E-commerce: frameworks can offer powerful functionality for creating online stores and e-commerce systems.

  3. Company websites: whether it's a corporate website or any other type of website, developing it using a framework can provide enhanced security compared to using a CMS.

  4. Social networks and communities: building social networks or messaging platforms can be a challenging task. Frameworks offer components for creating authentication systems, user profiles, search capabilities, messaging features, and managing relationships between users.

  5. Content-rich websites: if you need to create a website with a large amount of content, such as a news portal, blog, or wiki site, frameworks can simplify content organization and management.

  6. Mobile applications: some frameworks like React Native or Flutter allow for developing mobile applications using web technologies. They enable building applications that can run on multiple platforms using shared code and resources.

  7. Gaming applications: frameworks such as Phaser or Unity WebGL can be used for developing web games or gaming platforms. They provide tools and features for creating game logic, managing graphics, handling user input, and interacting with servers.

  8. Reactive and single-page applications (SPA): frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js offer toolsets and components for building reactive and single-page applications. They simplify state management, routing, server interaction, and updating the user interface without page reloads.

Framework classification

Frameworks can be classified based on various criteria depending on their purpose, structure, development approach, and the technology they utilize. Below is a basic classification of frameworks:

By purpose

  1. Web frameworks: these frameworks are intended for web application development. They typically include tools for handling HTTP requests, routing, sessions, templating, and interacting with databases. Examples: Django (Python), Laravel (PHP), Express.js (JavaScript).

  2. Mobile app development frameworks: these frameworks are designed for creating applications for mobile devices. They can be native (Android SDK for Android, Cocoa Touch for iOS), cross-platform (React Native, Flutter), or hybrid (Ionic, Cordova)

  3. Desktop application frameworks: these frameworks are used for building desktop applications. Examples: .NET Framework (Windows), Electron (cross-platform).

By architectural style

  1. MVC (Model-View-Controller) frameworks: in these frameworks, the application structure is divided into three components: Model, View, and Controller. This helps organize the code and makes it easier to understand and maintain. Examples: Django, Ruby on Rails, Laravel

  2. MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) frameworks: these frameworks are similar to MVC, but instead of a controller, they use ViewModel. This makes them more suitable for developers of interactive applications with rich user interfaces. Example: Knockout.js

  3. Component-based frameworks: in these frameworks, the application is built from individual, interchangeable components that can be easily reused and tested. Examples: React, Vue.js

PHP frameworks: main features

PHP frameworks is one of the most popular programming languages for web development, and there are certainly many PHP frameworks out there, each with their own unique features and benefits. Let's consider a few of them

  1. Laravel: one of the most popular PHP frameworks known for its simple and elegant syntax. It offers a comprehensive set of web development tools, including ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), routing, authentication, and more. Laravel also includes a powerful template management system called Blade, allowing developers to create complex and dynamic web pages

  2. Symfony: another powerful and flexible PHP framework that can be used for developing a wide range of web applications. Symfony is known for its flexibility and modularity, allowing developers to choose only the components they truly need for their project. Symfony also has good documentation and a large community

  3. Phalcon PHP: a high-performance framework for web application development. One of the key features of Phalcon PHP is its implementation as a C extension for PHP, making it very fast and efficient compared to other PHP frameworks. It is advantageous to use Phalcon PHP in high-traffic applications

  4. CodeIgniter: a lightweight PHP framework known for its ease of use and minimal requirements. It is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized web applications that require high performance and a compact framework size. CodeIgniter has a simple and convenient structure and includes many built-in functions for working with databases, sending emails, form validation, and more.

  5. CakePHP: a PHP framework that emphasizes easy development and configuration. It focuses on rapid deployment, allowing developers to start working quickly without the need to configure every small aspect. CakePHP also includes features for fast and easy development of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) applications

  6. Yii: a high-performance PHP framework that is particularly suitable for developing small to medium-sized web applications. Yii has a robust caching system, making it one of the fastest PHP frameworks. Yii also offers a range of tools for creating secure applications, including built-in protection against XSS and SQL injections

Python frameworks: main features

Python is another popular language in web development, with a wide range of frameworks offering various functional capabilities. Here are some of the key features of Python frameworks.

  • Django: Django is a high-level web framework used for developing powerful and scalable web applications. It provides a set of tools, templates, and libraries to facilitate the web application development process. Django follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern principles and allows developers to separate the application into individual components for easier management and code reusability

  • Pyramid: Pyramid is a flexible Python framework that can be used to create both simple and complex web applications. Pyramid offers flexibility in choosing the database, URL structure, and other components. It also supports multiple authentication systems and provides tools for building APIs

  • Flask: Flask is a ‘micro’ framework that doesn't provide as many features out of the box as Django or Pyramid. However, it offers a minimalist and flexible approach to web development. Flask supports extensions, allowing developers to add features such as database interaction, authentication, and more.

  • Bottle: Bottle is another ‘micro’ framework similar to Flask. It is designed for creating simple web applications and provides only basic functionality, such as URL routing and request handling. Due to its simplicity and lightweight nature, Bottle is ideal for building small applications and services

JavaScript: frameworks and libraries

JavaScript, being the most widely used language for client-side web development, has an extensive range of frameworks and libraries that simplify and accelerate the development process.

  • Vue.js: Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. Unlike monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed to be incrementally adoptable. The core of the framework focuses only on the view layer and integrates easily with other libraries or existing projects. Vue is also ideal for creating complex single-page applications in conjunction with modern tools and supporting libraries

  • Angular: Angular is a comprehensive framework developed by Google, used for building complex single-page applications. Angular utilizes TypeScript, providing the benefits of static typing and object-oriented programming. It offers a multitude of built-in features, including routing, HTTP requests, forms, and more

  • Backbone.js: Backbone.js is a lightweight JavaScript framework that provides structure for organizing code with key-value binding models and custom events, collections with a powerful API for handling lists, and connections to your existing API through a RESTful JSON interface

  • React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook. React allows developers to create large-scale web applications that manipulate data and can update it without reloading the page. It offers a component-based approach to web development and is widely used for creating both web and mobile applications (React Native).

  • jQuery: jQuery is a fast, lightweight, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies tasks such as traversing and manipulating HTML documents, event handling, animation, and Ajax with an easy API that works across multiple browsers. Although the popularity of jQuery has slightly diminished with the emergence of modern frameworks, it is still widely used in many projects due to its simplicity and power


Ultimately, the choice of framework depends on the specific project requirements and developer preferences. In any case, using a framework is an efficient way to increase productivity and streamline the development process.

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